Benefits and Obligations
Membership Benefits
- Being part of an independent civil society Network and brand representing Nile Cooperation issues in the Nile Basin and recognized as such by the public sector.
- Having access to infrastructure and capacity building support for smaller organizations.
- Having access to timely policy and news briefings on Nile Cooperation issues
- Having access to information and advice;
- Having access to free publicity on the Network’s website;
- Publication in a Directory of member organizations and free publicity on the website
- Having access to peer group support and the opportunity to raise issues and express views.
- The opportunity to consult with public sector organizations and statutory service providers
- The opportunity to influence their policies, procedures and decision making and the opportunity to work in partnership on commissioning and tendering
Full members through their individual representatives shall;
- Have the right to vote and be voted for as an office bearer.
- Have the right to attend and participate fully in the activities and meetings of NBD
- Have the right to access information in the possession of NBD and the right to have their activities posted on the NBD website.
- Have the right to participate in the election of officers of the NBD, and the right to use the NBD logo.
- Have access to NBD programme funds, benefit from the capacity building programmes of NBD, and have the right to attend and participate in all activities of NBD.
Compliance Requirements

- Members must agree to comply with the following requirements of membership;
- Member organizations must be prepared to work within NBD’s constitution and to abide by its policies and procedures.
- Member organizations must be prepared to comply with NBD’s 4 core values.
- Member organizations must not have an intention to break any criminal or civil law or to commit any act that may bring the Network into disrepute.
- Once accepted into the Network, member organizations must ensure that they;
- Accept decisions of the NBD Board and the NBD General Assembly as binding.
- Do not misrepresent the Network or bring the Network into disrepute.
- Represent the views of their organization and/or their service users not their personal opinions (or declare the fact that they wish to express a personal point of view).
- Only represent the Network’s opinion on issues once they have been agreed or determined.
Membership Obligations
All members shall be obliged to:
- Fully abide by the provisions of the NBD constitution.
- Identify and promote activities and potential areas of co-operation with the various stakeholders within the Nile Basin region.
- Monitor the implementation of the activities of NBD.
- Disseminate information about the activities of their organizations amongst the members of NBD, and endeavor to participate in the activities of NBD.