In 2021, Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) members started a process to discuss the relevant issues for the next strategy. A main feature was the meeting in Nairobi, December 2021 to contemplate and formulate the new strategy for 2023-2027 “Share and Shared: Empowered and Inclusive Action Across the Nile River Basin”. The process was led by the NBD with assistance of an external consultant. In addition, other external consultants had undertaken the mapping exercise for funding opportunities and the research on a possible future consultancy mechanism.
In general, this strategy is a continuation of the earlier strategies with some adjustments answering to the adjusted SWOT. This document is also based on the SWOT Analyses undertaken in 2021. At which COVID-19 had a big impact on the grassroots trans-boundary activities of which NBD has its niche.
The underlying fact is that: Civil society, in this case NBD is not just a voice that looks after accountability of government, but an actor in its own right, a development partner that has been supporting and ensuring the sustainability of good development projects, programs and policies.
NBD’s enormous human resources, local knowledge and informed constructive engagement in development processes can keep assisting and steering the riparian states and future and current mechanisms of Inter-governmental Organizations such as: The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), etc. - towards more socially inclusive and stakeholder-driven development processes. A lot of the local contributions in awareness and capacity enhancement, advocacy, platforms for dialogues need to receive more acknowledgements.
The NBD achievements to-date have been greatly supported by the existing MoUs with the NBI, that are periodically renewed and compliment their activities. Currently, the 2021-2025 MoU has been signed between NBI (inclusive of its centres) and NBD. In the MoU, the two and connected institutions pledged to exchange information, collaborate in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and activities in the areas of water and climate change.
In general, this strategy is a continuation of the earlier strategies with some adjustments answering to the adjusted SWOT. This document is also based on the SWOT Analyses undertaken in 2021. At which COVID-19 had a big impact on the grassroots trans-boundary activities of which NBD has its niche.
The underlying fact is that: Civil society, in this case NBD is not just a voice that looks after accountability of government, but an actor in its own right, a development partner that has been supporting and ensuring the sustainability of good development projects, programs and policies.
NBD’s enormous human resources, local knowledge and informed constructive engagement in development processes can keep assisting and steering the riparian states and future and current mechanisms of Inter-governmental Organizations such as: The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), etc. - towards more socially inclusive and stakeholder-driven development processes. A lot of the local contributions in awareness and capacity enhancement, advocacy, platforms for dialogues need to receive more acknowledgements.
The NBD achievements to-date have been greatly supported by the existing MoUs with the NBI, that are periodically renewed and compliment their activities. Currently, the 2021-2025 MoU has been signed between NBI (inclusive of its centres) and NBD. In the MoU, the two and connected institutions pledged to exchange information, collaborate in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and activities in the areas of water and climate change.
Publication date
Sunday, 01 January 2023
Publication type