
The overall objectives of BNDF are as stated in the Constitution adopted on October 3rd 2003.The Burundi NDF seeks to influence the development of projects and process under the NBI by promoting the dissemination and exchange of information on current and potential developments under the NBI. Ultimately the BNDF will contribute to the maximisation of social, economic and environmental benefits from the sustainable and equitable use of the Nile water resources with a view to reducing poverty in the Nile region.

Hakizimana Edmond Dieudonne
Hakizimana Edmond Dieudonné is an Economical Planning Works Engineer. He graduated from Ecole Natonale d’Economie Applique’ de Dakar, Senegal, National School of Applied Economics in 2002; specialising in organization management and economical planning. He worked with ODAG (Organisation pour le De’veloppement de l’Archidioce’se de Gitega) as Deputy Executive Secretary & Programme Coordinator (2003-2008). In 2008, he joined a Belgium International Organisation working on programmes of World Solidarity –WSM as the Coordinator of the Central African Sub-Region covering DRC, Rwanda and Burundi a position he still holds todate. Edmond Dieudonné is the Chairperson and legal respresentative of Organization Solidarite pour le Developpment Integrale de las Region de Nyabihanga (SODIN). He a board member of the Nile Basin Discourse and Legal Representative of the Burundi National Discourse Forum since 2012.
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Darlene Gusugusu
Darlene is a lawyer by profession with Bachelors Degree from Light University of Bujumbura (Universite Lumiere De Bujumbura). She is the vice chairperson of APEDP (Burundi Association for Environment Protection and Population Development a member of Burundi National Discourse Forum. With varsity knowledge and experience on Gender Mainstreaming in Transboundary Water Resource Management, Darlene works as the treasurer at Burundi Association of Nature Protection (ABN), for over 4 years she worked as a Manager in the department of contracts development and loans securing in the Bank BGF.
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Venant Nyandwi Ireene
Committee Member
Venant is a holder of Bachelors Degree in Physics from the University of Burundi, Postgraduate Diploma in applied mathematics to ecology (University of the Western Cape in South Africa), Postgraduate Certificate in application of Earth Observation and GIS in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Egerton University in Kenya with knowledge in climate change and land administration, his area of expertise covers education, ecology, climate change and integrated water resources management Venant is an Assistant lecturer with over 15 years of training and working experience in education, physics, and training dealing with pedagogy, environment and climate change with proven competence in preparation and implementation of national adaptation programs of action on climate change. Once a coordinator of Burundi National Discourse Forum, he is well versed with formulation, budgeting and monitoring & evaluation of projects and programmes, including procedures of international donors.
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Studies have been done on topics like the different power sources in Burundi and stakeholder involvement in the NBI development process.
The reports on the studies carried out on research and dissemination were presented to key stakeholders, government and partners for validation.
However, during the consultative processes a number of key issues highlighted e.g. the lessons learning and identifying of synergies for coherent information sharing, using the findings to improve on the water policies in the Nile basin, strengthening cooperation along the Nile, human resource capacity building in the field of water resource preservation and strengthening the collaboration between technical services and civil society.
BNDF also carried out a number of capacity building activities for its members in Environmental Impact assessment, communication, lobbying & advocacy techniques and, environmental management and poverty eradication.
Reports on the activities carried out in M3 and M4 milestones are available.