
To celebrate the 9th Nile Day of February 22nd 2015, the Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) joined the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) and the rest of Nile riparian states in Khartoum, Sudan. The two organizations spearheaded the preparation of the annual event in collaboration with the government of the host country-Sudan. The Sudan National Discourse Forum (SNDF), an arm of NBD played part in the National Organizing Committee (NOC) while NBD Secretariat closely working with the Nile-Sec in Entebbe, Uganda.
The event saw Ministers and Members of Parliament in sectors such as water; agriculture and energy of the Nile Basin countries, diplomats from member states' embassies, development partners, civil society, researchers, academia, youth, media and school children as well as the general public from the member states and outside.

Please download the attached documents for details:
Nile Day 2015 celebrations: Nile Basin Discourse joined Nile Basin Initiative Khartoum, Sudan - Briefing Note
Remarks of the Nile Basin Discourse Board Chair Jean Baptiste Habiyaremye On the occasion of the Nile Day 2015, Khartoum

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