
NBD completes Nile Basin stakeholder mapping with key emerging issues for each of the 10 riparian states namely Burundi, D. R. Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda. Issues of stakeholder/community consultation, bottom-up communication and physical intervention, and stakeholder capacity building emerged with emphasis.
The draft Report was presented at a workshop which formed a platform for different stakeholders and development partners that took place on September 7th, 2015 in Kampala, Uganda to discuss the results of an assignment that is part of a three year project funded by Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA)/World Bank.

The platform brought together participants especially CSOs from all the ten countries, the NBD board members and staff, the NBI representatives from the Secretariat, ENTRO and NELSAP, Government representatives, IGAD, GWP Eastern Africa and other development partners in Nile Basin Region.

Conducting the exercise, NBD aimed at understanding the networks, their membership and interrelations between partners and stakeholders focusing on Nile cooperation and development agendas as well as the opportunities and emerging issues in CSOs contributions towards the cooperation on the Nile.
Issues on Stakeholder/Community consultation; bottom-up communication, physical interventions and stakeholder capacity building emerged with emphasis.

The exercise mapped Nile Basin Discourse Forum memberships, both actual and potential and their knowledge on Nile cooperation; the geographical coverage whether local, national or international; the stakeholders’ areas of inclination in the water sector or water-related sectors of agriculture, energy etc; and the inclusivity of the gender, youth and vulnerable communities.

The platform informed participants on the primary findings, and created an arena for deeper thinking and exchange of views as contributions towards finalization of the report especially on the opportunities and the emerging issues in capacities related to organizational development, linkages and coordination in stakeholder engagement, social inclusion, and the political enabling environment.

Taking opportunity of the wide spectrum of participants at the platform, the discussions benefited from thematic groups of expertise present namely the technical experts who discussed the road map for communications and the linkage with stakeholders especially the horizontal communication that strengthens the trans-boundary element; the climate change and gender inclusion elements; and partnership engagements.

From plenary discussions by participants, the NBD Board followed up on September 8th 2015 with the milestones towards finalization of the stakeholder mapping report, that include the first key milestone of September 21st 2015 by which further suggestions by the participants on data, information and emerging issues ought to the submitted to the NBD Secretariat.

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