Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Climate Proofing Edible Oil Production in Mara Region - Tanzania
Published: 30 June 2023

Farmers working at a sunflower demo farm as part of the training
In Mara Region, most Sunflower Small Holder Farmers (SHFs) struggle due to lack of access to inputs - most of Agro-dealers are located in towns and peri-urban areas; Seed affordability - high prices for hybrid seeds make farmers uninterested or unable to use it; Low seed quality - germination issues with some seed varieties makes farmers lack confidence in hybrid/ improved seed: and Unavailability of seeds during planting seasons, all together contributing to low yields versus the demand for sunflower seeds. In 2021, SHIMATA initiated a project with the Objective of addressing the deficit of sunflower seeds while creating employment opportunities for women and youth through sunflower farming in Mara region.
In 2018, a TNDF member organization Shirika la Maendeleo Tarime (SHIMATA) rolled out awareness raising amongst small holder farmers on dry season sunflower (scientifically known as 'Helianthus Annus’) production. In Tanzania, the crop thrives in semi-arid zones. Farmers harvest an average of three-to-five bags per hectare, instead of 10-to-12 bags due to poor crop production practices. Sunflower seeds are a raw material for production of cooking oil and the husks from its seeds are used to feed animals.
In 2021, the annual demand for cooking oil in Tanzania was 600,000 tonnes. The country produced only 290,000 tonnes, leaving a deficit of 310,000 tonnes. The annual sunflower seed demand in Tanzania stands at 5,800 tonnes, while the country produces only 1,340 tonnes. About 1.7 million tonnes of seeds are required to produce700,000 tons of cooking oil.
In Mara Region, most Sunflower Small Holder Farmers (SHFs) struggle due to lack of access to inputs - most of Agro-dealers are located in towns and peri-urban areas; Seed affordability - high prices for hybrid seeds make farmers uninterested or unable to use it; Low seed quality - germination issues with some seed varieties makes farmers lack confidence in hybrid/ improved seed: and Unavailability of seeds during planting seasons.
In 2021, SHIMATA initiated a project with the Objective of addressing the deficit of sunflower seeds while creating employment opportunities for youth and women through sunflower farming in Mara region. 50 farmers were trained in irrigation schemes and storage mechanisms. Specifically, the project intended to:
- To enhance youth and women with skills and techniques for Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) and access to farming equipment
- To build the capacity of youth on post-harvest handling and storage management (PHHS)
- To enable youth and women to form and register farming associations and improve existing ones.

A SHIMATA official addresses a village meeting at implementation planning of the project
Engagement with Local Government Authority
Farmers in Tanzania earn Sh3.1 billion from 450 tons of sunflower seeds produced locally per year, instead of Sh38.9 billion that would be generated from the total of 5,528 tons of seeds required. Therefore, farmers lose Sh38.9 billion annually that is spent on seeds imports. The Local Government Authorities particularly village executive officers and Village chairperson were involved in mobilizing and influencing youth and women for enrolment in the project. The district Agricultural Officer and extension officers were the main facilitators/ trainers and Trainers of Trainers. The Ward councillors were also involved to particularly advocate for financial loans provided by the district council to youth and women from 10% earnings.Small Holder Farmers Associations
Women and youth were grouped in Small Holder Farmers association. The aim is to enhance formulation and design of the project for succession and project sustainability. In future these associations would be equipped to venture into Oil Milling. Associations would as well ensure constant market for farmers’ harvested crops. Trainings also emphasized on Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) while focusing on rotational farming and climate friendly farming.
Project Partnership
- The project is implemented in partnership with Victoria Farmers and Fishers Organisation (VIFAFIO) located in Mara region. VIFAFIO is also a member of TNDF and duly represented TNDF in the project. VIFAFIO's role in the project is to mobilize and coordinate beneficiaries in capacity building and field activities; it also prepares reports for such activities and submits to SHIMATA.
- The Local Government Authorities (District and village level) were engaged in the project to mobilize and encourage women and youth participation in the project.
Gender Mainstreaming

An extension officer works with Ms. Mwajuma's of Kiore village to
start sunflower farming on her land
Social Inclusivity
In alignment with the Convention on the Rights of People with Disability [CRPD] 2006, the Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action (2016), and WFP policy on Protection and Accountability to the affected population, disability inclusion is integrated throughout the project. 21 PWDs were involved in trainings and symposiums of this project. Persons with disabilities were also elected in leadership position of farmer association.Accountability Towards Affected Population (AAP)
SHIMATA is committed to Accountability for Affected Populations (AAP) by ensuring that programme design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation processes and decisions are informed by and reflect the views of affected people. To operationalize these commitments, the following three key areas were adhered to:- Information provision: Provided accurate, timely and accessible information to the affected people about the project progress.
- Consultation: Involved and consulted local governments, women and youth groups, and existing farmer associations in seeking views of the affected population and invite feedback throughout the project.
- Complaints and feedback mechanisms which provided phone number, email and office address to affected people and all its target members to voice complaints and provide feedback on areas relevant to operations in a safe and dignified manner. A formal CFM system included procedures for recording, referring, taking action and providing feedback to the complainant.

Shirika la Maendeleo Tarime (SHIMATA) is a Non-Governmental Organisation established in 2009 in Mara region aiming at empowering communities through action on poverty reduction, human rights advocacy, health services, sanitation and hygiene activism as well as income generating projects. SHIMATA is a member of the Tanzania Nile Discourse Forum (TNDF) operating in Tarime, Serengeti, Butiama, and Musoma rural districts of the Mara Region.