Positive Attitude Yields Success on Nile - Sudan
Published: 11 August 2016
He said that the unique geographical structure of Local Discourse Forums justifies the need of empowerment of their manpower to achieve SNDF goals. “They need capacity development including trainings because they are close to communities and involvement in environment conservation” Dr. Nadir suggests.
SNDF works closely with communities along the Nile and they have strong positive perception on SNDF intervention in the area.
Dr. Nadir said that the SNDF opted to focus of creation on awareness in the community, stakeholders and decision makers to take water resources management and environment conservation practices the next level of discussion.
This is to ensure the practicability of its goal which is to provide Nile civil society communities with the knowledge, capacities, capabilities and access needed to improve their lives, better their communities and influence their own destinies.
Some of their recorded contribution included protection of the River Nile against bank erosion by planting natural flora that is typically environmentally friendly. With involvement of 10 Local Discourse Forums, the Sudan National Discourse Forum established the recreation area along the White Nile at Kosti area and put canals for irrigation.
SNDF has fully participated in discussion related to the Nile such as sub-regional workshop on Nile tributaries which brought together three countries: Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia and diplomats from these respective countries. Also SNDF participated in regional workshop that discussed on building dams on the Nile and as a civil society they produced a statement displaying their views on the matter.
More information about SNDF is found at the Sudan NDF window HERE