Harmonizing Laws and policies on fishing and aquaculture at lakes Edward and Albert
Published: 05 February 2018

The DR Congo National Discourse Forum (DRCNDF) participated at the National workshop that discussed on harmonization of Laws and Policies on fishing and aquaculture at lakes Edward and Albert. The workshop that was held from 1st to 3rd December 2017 in Goma was organized by the regional Coordination of Lakes Eduward - Albert Fisheries – Phase two ( LEAF2).
The ideas from the consultations will be discussed at the 1st regional meeting between D.R. Congo and Uganda in which a framework of a bilateral agreement governing joint or cooperative activities related to fisheries and aquaculture is expected to be signed.
Participants at the workshop exchanged views on how to enable each country (D.R. Congo and Uganda) to understand its obligations in accordance with international and regional fisheries and aquaculture policy instruments, areas of national laws and policies that require strengthening, and reach consensus on the challenges and solutions for national harmonization of fisheries policies, laws and regulations.