


The sensitised communities committed to: i)Create market gardens to guarantee food security even in the face of drought ii)Promote large-scale irrigation coupled with the willingness to restore and protect water catchment areas iii)Engage in parallel but profitable income-generating activities with nutritional impact but not dependent on rainfall iv)Make rational management of rainwater, and...
 "Failure to Act in The Restoration of Ecosystems Is to Fail Biodiversity and The Fight Against Desertification" On June 24, 2021 at CIBITOKE province, MUGINA commune, RUGAJO zone on RUGENDO  hill in Burundi, Burundi National Discourse Forum (BNDF) (Burundian Forum of the Civil Society of the Nile Basin (FCBN)) joined the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Breeding to a colourful event to observe the days dedicated to Water...
In May 2021, more than 4,223 households were ravaged by the flooding of rivers; Rusizi, Kajeke and Mpanda. The areas that are highly devastated by the floods disaster include Gatumba, Kigaramango, Rukaramu and part of Mpanda cemetery.The rise of the waters of the three rivers is as a result of the steadily rising water level of Lake Tanganyika to which they are tributaries.Lake Tanganyika’s water level has been gradually rising for more than a year ago and has now reached a level so worrying...
On 29th April 2021, Burundi Nile Basin Discourse Forum (FCBN) held a Nile Day celebration that took place at OSPIA COMPLEX, BUJUMBURA. This celebration is one of the many National Nile Day celebrations which followed the Regional Nile Day celebration that was virtually hosted by Uganda. Nile Basin Discourse participates as the main partner of Nile Basin Initiative. 34 participants including the representatives of central government and its institutions, the FCBN Steering Committee, public and...
Since March 2020, the Lake Tanganyika water has risen to an incredible level. This year 2021, it rose to more than fifty meters. According to the geographical expert, he recalled that the level of Lake Tanganyika fluctuates in the order of 0.8m naturally depending on the seasons. These fluctuations are the consequences of a change in the balance between water inflows (rainfall at the lake level and the start of the outflow at the Lukuga River at Kalemie in the DRC.   Since the 19th...
As the world celebrates the World water week amid the COVID 19 this year, NBD shares a message from one of our members, and actor in water, sanitation, and environment in Burundi, Mr Nestor MBURENTE.Mr. Nestor MBURENTE, is the Legal representative of AVEDEC (Association Villageoise d'Entraide et de Développement Communautaire) in Burundi. AVEDEC is member of Burundi Nile Discourse Forum.   Being a member of  different  networks  of organizations  on Water and environment protection in Burundi,...
Assessment conducted by Burundi Red Cross Society, the Government of Burundi and other development partners indicate  that  12,956 people and 2,133 houses in 9 locations were affected by floods in May 2018. Skills and knowledge of communities on disaster mitigation are very important measures to alleviate similar consequences in the future.
  Building capacity of members of Burundi National Discourse Forum (BNDF) is seen as an option to boost their knowledge in mainstreaming gender in all of their action plans. From 16th to 20th November 2017  in Bujumbura, CIDEP (Centre d’appui aux Initiatives locale de Développement et d’Assistance aux Personnes Vulnérables) - a BNDF member in partnership with ACORD-BURUNDI organized a five day training workshop on gender mainstreaming for CIDEP members.
It is almost a year now that the “Forum Burundais de la société civile du bassin du Nil” (FCBN) joined other national stakeholders to establish the National Water and Sanitation Observatory platform (OBEA). The aim to join OBEA (Observatoire Burundais Aau et Assainissement) was to address the challenges on irrational water use in the country. FCBN joined with its huge membership of 40 Civil Society Organizations and one of its members, AVEDEC (Association Villageoise d'Entraide et de...
  The world has set up targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be reached by 2030 and water resources protection is among many of the targets of the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015.  Target 9 of Goal 3, (Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-being for all at all Ages) set 2030 as the year when the substantial reduction of the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination...
  The National Discourse forum Burundi (BNDF) joined other in-country environmental protection stakeholders in training for improving climate change resilience of their communities by protecting the environment and reducing Climate change impacts. The five day training of national stakeholders on climate resilience was organized by World Vision Burundi from 22nd - 26th May, 2017. The training assessed the situation of climate change and environment protection in the country.
The Burundi National Discourse Forum (BNDF)’s visibility continues to generate outcome due to its closeness and advocacy for the community and projects in the country. The national forum which is member of the Nile Basin Discourse recorded major achievements in favor of the community as said Mr. Edimond Dieudonné HAKIZIMANA, the National Board Chairperson.Most activities include the project on the protection of the Natural Forest reserve of Bururi. The IUCN financed project saw Burundi NDF...

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