Welcome to this Nile Voices release on some of the activities implemented in the third quarter of 2016. During this period, NBD occupied itself in activities through collaboration with regional and sub-regional partners operating in the Nile basin.
NBD participated in the Nile media training organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) that took place in Addis Ababa - Ethiopia. At the meeting NBD had the opportunity to highlight the importance of involving media houses that focus on trans-boundary Nile issues.
Afterwords, a follow-up on the training opened up whereby NBD joined journalists from the Eastern Nile countries in a visit to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) that is currently under construction on the Blue Nile.
In the quarter, NBD Secretariat hosted the World Bank supervision mission led by Ms Habab Taifour the Task Team Leader, that looked at progress and guided the NBD team on the way forward of the NBD CIWA/WB Project that is scheduled to end in December 2016. In the same period, NBD participated at the launch of the IGAD/ ICPALD Fodder and Range Platform held in Entebbe, Uganda. This was an opportunity for NBD to share experience and learn on trans-boundary discourse on the e ffi -cient utilization of water resources towards reduction of vulnerability of livestock producing communities of the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs) in the IGAD member states.
On 16 September, 2016, discussions were held with Ms.Rebecca Carter, the Senior Associate in charge of Climate Resilient Development Practice at Water Resources Institute (WRI), who visited the NBD Secretariat. The visit resulted in the two organizations discussing possible future collaboration in the aspect of moving from global to grassroots, using the WRI’s data tools namely the global water risk atlas, global flood analyzer, global forest watch water (GFW Water) and others that are being developed.
To close this 3rd quarter release, and as a follow-up to quarter 1 activities, herein is an update of the completion of Phase1 of the water supply project under implementation by NBD’s member, the Rwanda-National Discourse Forum (NDF – Rwanda).
NBD participated in the Nile media training organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) that took place in Addis Ababa - Ethiopia. At the meeting NBD had the opportunity to highlight the importance of involving media houses that focus on trans-boundary Nile issues.
Afterwords, a follow-up on the training opened up whereby NBD joined journalists from the Eastern Nile countries in a visit to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) that is currently under construction on the Blue Nile.
In the quarter, NBD Secretariat hosted the World Bank supervision mission led by Ms Habab Taifour the Task Team Leader, that looked at progress and guided the NBD team on the way forward of the NBD CIWA/WB Project that is scheduled to end in December 2016. In the same period, NBD participated at the launch of the IGAD/ ICPALD Fodder and Range Platform held in Entebbe, Uganda. This was an opportunity for NBD to share experience and learn on trans-boundary discourse on the e ffi -cient utilization of water resources towards reduction of vulnerability of livestock producing communities of the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs) in the IGAD member states.
On 16 September, 2016, discussions were held with Ms.Rebecca Carter, the Senior Associate in charge of Climate Resilient Development Practice at Water Resources Institute (WRI), who visited the NBD Secretariat. The visit resulted in the two organizations discussing possible future collaboration in the aspect of moving from global to grassroots, using the WRI’s data tools namely the global water risk atlas, global flood analyzer, global forest watch water (GFW Water) and others that are being developed.
To close this 3rd quarter release, and as a follow-up to quarter 1 activities, herein is an update of the completion of Phase1 of the water supply project under implementation by NBD’s member, the Rwanda-National Discourse Forum (NDF – Rwanda).
Publication date
Monday, 21 November 2016
Publication type
Nile Voices Newsletter