- Published: 30 January 2012
Key Messages
This policy brief presents a message of a holistic and comprehensive approach that seeks climate change adaptation in the context of water resources management. The approach is formed of six interrelated blocks need to be implemented collectively:
A. Ensure political commitment towards climate change adaptation, B. Strengthen the regulatory framework that regulates climate change adaptation, C. Strengthen the institutional capacity related to climate change adaptation, D. Integrate climate change dimensions into development plans and budget, E. Ensure strong cooperation and ongoing coordination amongst state organizations on one hand and within the Nile Basin countries on the other hand, as better implementation needs collective action, where all relevant stakeholders especially the communities are engaged in the national adaptation process, policies and plans, F. Conduct monitoring and evaluation on regular basis to policy implementation.
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This policy brief presents a message of a holistic and comprehensive approach that seeks climate change adaptation in the context of water resources management. The approach is formed of six interrelated blocks need to be implemented collectively:
A. Ensure political commitment towards climate change adaptation, B. Strengthen the regulatory framework that regulates climate change adaptation, C. Strengthen the institutional capacity related to climate change adaptation, D. Integrate climate change dimensions into development plans and budget, E. Ensure strong cooperation and ongoing coordination amongst state organizations on one hand and within the Nile Basin countries on the other hand, as better implementation needs collective action, where all relevant stakeholders especially the communities are engaged in the national adaptation process, policies and plans, F. Conduct monitoring and evaluation on regular basis to policy implementation.
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Publication date
Monday, 30 January 2012
Publication type
Position Statements & Briefing Notes