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The Nile Basin Discourse Summit (NBDS)

After over fifteen years on the ground, the NBD Network has evolved to a more dynamic role in Nile Basin development processes; and a partner for promoting Nile cooperation.

The Nile Riparian States face a number of challenges such as slow Nile cooperation, gender imbalance, climate change, food crises, rapid population growth and urbanization, weak regional integration and slow transition into a green economy. Taking cognizance of these persisting challenges, the Nile Basin Discourse is planted and nurturing the idea of a Bi-Annual collective discourse on emerging issues, best practices, experiences that could tone down challenges of a River Basin.

The summit was launched in November 2017 and the NBDS is expected to discourse, arriving at constructive decisions for vertical information to policy making and grassroots communities in addition to arriving at horizontal information on the trans-boundary element.

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