- Published: 28 January 2019
As we end this year 2018, we convey our unreserved gratitude for your continued support that has enabled NBD deliver on its mandate in 2018. We are particularly indebted to our core funding partners, CIWA/WB who have supported us financially through Phase II of the Engaging Civil Society for Social and Climate Resilience in the Nile Basin project. Using this additional funding, we have engaged constructively with stakeholders at all levels to contribute to Nile cooperation.
This year NBD finalized 2018-2022 strategy under the theme, Inclusive Aquawareness and Empowerment. We look forward to operationalizing it in 2019.
We have made resource mobilisation one of the key priorities to ensure sustainability for our activities. The NBD resource mobilisation team has reached out to several prospective partners and donors. It is through these efforts that NBD secured funding from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education to implement the Women and Water in Communities for Change project in Uganda and Tanzania.
The year 2018 has provided us an opportunity to continue with transboundary engagements to achieve ownership and support for the different projects and initiatives we are undertaking. These include: Baro-Akobo-Sobat (BAS) multi-purpose water resources development and management project, and the Lakes Edward and Albert Integrated Fisheries and Water Resources Management (LEAF-II) project among others.
This year NBD finalized 2018-2022 strategy under the theme, Inclusive Aquawareness and Empowerment. We look forward to operationalizing it in 2019.
We have made resource mobilisation one of the key priorities to ensure sustainability for our activities. The NBD resource mobilisation team has reached out to several prospective partners and donors. It is through these efforts that NBD secured funding from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education to implement the Women and Water in Communities for Change project in Uganda and Tanzania.
The year 2018 has provided us an opportunity to continue with transboundary engagements to achieve ownership and support for the different projects and initiatives we are undertaking. These include: Baro-Akobo-Sobat (BAS) multi-purpose water resources development and management project, and the Lakes Edward and Albert Integrated Fisheries and Water Resources Management (LEAF-II) project among others.
Publication date
Monday, 28 January 2019
Publication type
Annual Reports